High Quality Injection Molding

Founded as Molded Plastics Research of Illinois, Inc., MPR has continually served its customers since 1970. We believe in developing long-term relationships with our clients based on the highest standards of service and value. We understand our customers’ specialized needs and deliver customized high quality injection molding solutions to meet their requirements.

For more information regarding our services and specialty applications, please do not hesitate to call 847-468-9950. There you will be able to speak with one of our representatives who can answer any questions you may have regarding our high quality injection molding. You can also send us a message by filling out the form found on this page and we will contact you as soon as possible.

High Quality Injection MoldingHigh Quality Injection Molding Results

MPR has a state-of-the-art facility that yields high quality injection molding results. We are capable of molding virtually all molding grades with the exception of fluoropolymers and PVC. Grades include all high temperature and high performance materials. Through our proprietary one-touch dye exchange system, we can handle short and long runs with extreme efficiency. Our tight tolerances can yield results that are often 50% tighter than SPI ‘Fine’ designation.

Precision High Quality Injection Molding

The cornerstone to achieving high precision injection molding is the minimization of the process variation during the molding process. Variations can be caused by any external variable that causes a change in the resulting parts’ dimensions. We ensure quality through our experience, equipment, and processes, such as:

  • Material consistency – Our facility is equipped with a technologically advanced, centralized drying system which is capable of drying the most difficult engineering grade resins (even up to 400 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • Molding Machine accuracy – We use machines that are widely considered the most precise injection machines in the world. All-electric machines that use extremely accurate servo motors that do not suffer from any of the variability inherent in hydraulic molding machines
  • Thermodynamic Control of the Mold – To eliminate temperature fluctuations that can affect the molding process, MPR uses a state-of-the-art HVAC system to maintain environmental temperatures in a controlled range of 68 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit and dew point below 58 degrees Fahrenheit

When you are ready to learn more about our high quality injection molding, or other services, please call 847-468-9950 and speak with one of our team members. They will be available to discuss your needs and can answer all your questions. To send us a message instead, please fill out the form found on this page and we will contact you shortly.

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