Metal Replace by Plastic Solutions

MPR Plastics is committed to the absolute satisfaction of our customers in every type of interaction. This includes responsiveness, follow-up, order entry, delivery, quality, price, and every step in between. We strive to exceed all expectations on any project, whether it may be injection molding to metal replaced by plastic solutions, we are here to help.

For more information regarding our services and metal replaced by plastic solutions, please do not hesitate to call 847-468-9950. There you will be able to speak with one of our team members who can answer all your questions and can discuss your needs in more detail. You can also send us a message by filling out the form found on this page and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Metal Replaced by Plastic SolutionsProfessional Metal Replaced by Plastic Solutions

We were founded in 1970 and have continually provided reliable and quality solutions to our customers. We have a strong reputation for high precision intricate molded parts and assemblies, including metal replaced by plastic solutions. Our state-of-the-art facility enables us to provide a wide range of services and production of superior quality custom plastic components.

Engineered Metal Replaced by Plastic Solutions

Our advanced equipment allows us to provide effective metal replaced by plastic solutions. Through our processing techniques, we can maintain physical properties in the plastic material by minimizing molecular chain breakage during drying and molding. This achieves excellent physical properties for each plastic component produced. Aside from significant cost saving, plastics used to replace metal can have a tensile strength to 46,000 psi and operate under continuous use temperature to 500 degrees Fahrenheit.

When you are ready to learn more about our available services, please call 847-468-9950 to speak with one of our associates. They will be available to answer any questions you may have and can provide more detail regarding our metal replaced by plastic solutions. If you would prefer to send us a message, please fill out the form found on this page and we will contact you shortly.

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